Caregivers Need Time to Recharge

Have you cared for an aging parent? Or a high-needs child?

Then you know the struggle. The stress. The exhaustian. The tug-of-war between devotion and resentment.

I've been there.

Our generation is often sandwiched between caring for the generation before us AND the generation after us. And caring for ourselves becomes inconsequential.

Caregivers have a higher risk of significant health problems, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression, overweight, and earlier death due to the prolonged stress and the demands of caregiving.

The solution? Self-care MUST move to the top of your to-do list. Yes, really. And without guilt.

Schedule a 30-minute self-care time in your calendar. Every day. Set the alarm. It's non-negotiable.

No, you're not going to surf Facebook.

  • Cuddle-up with a furry friend
  • Listen to 70's or 80's music and reminisce
  • Call a friend (and don't talk about caregiving)
  • Take a nap in the sun
  • Look at old photos and recall happier times
  • Nature-bathe (surround yourself with nature and silence)
  • Take a brisk walk to upbeat tunes
  • Get a mani or pedi (men, too)\Meditate (if not too 'woo-woo' for you)

Do whatever it takes for you to disconnect. To recharge.

You have to put on your oxygen mask before you help others in the plane.


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