Brain Health News To Use

Want a Youthful Brain? Go Back to School

It's back to school time again...for YOU!

Neurologists agree that when it comes to your brain, you must use it or lose it. And crosswords and Sudoku just don't cut it anymore.

To retain your memory, verbal skills, and reasoning and processing skills, you must exercise your brain -- just like you exercise your body. Think of it as brain training! Multiple studies have shown that embracing challenging intellectual activities builds new neural pathways and is associated with a...

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Is 'UnRetirement' in Your Future?

Have you heard of 'UnRetirement?'

Lots of folks are unretiring, returning to the workforce after retirement — 40% of workers over 65 have previously been retired.

And, more than half of retirees 50 and older say they would return to work for the right opportunity — the percentage is even higher among the college-educated.


Because golf games and palm trees aren't always what they're cracked up to be. Retirement can simply be less satisfying than expected.


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Without Purpose, Retirement Can Be Lethal

The newest junior ranger at Grand Canyon National Park is 103 years old, making her three years older than the park itself.

What an inspiration.

You see, without a purpose, retirement can be lethal. Service is a longevity secret.

Multiple studies have shown that people who are engaged in paid work or volunteering are more likely to have a longer and more satisfied life.

Not sure where to start? Need some inspiration?

During my research, I stumbled upon a website and FB page that’s...

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How to Live Without Regret

Live without regret. Yes, that's me hiking in Palo Euro Canyon. Living my dream life.

What is it that you've wanted to do that you've been postponing

Maybe next year. After I have more money. After I retire. After my knee surgery. After I lose weight. After the kid moves out. After I sell the house. After, after, after... mature of you. You sound like an old person.

What if you wait too long? What if you never get the chance? What will you forever regret NOT doing?

The time is NOW.

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Find Your Tribe to Be Happier & Live Longer

Have you found your tribe?

One of the MOST powerful ways to ensure a longer, more vital life is to take an active role in a COMMUNITY of like-minded folks.

Longevity experts report that knowing your role in a committed group with a common purpose is essential for a long and fulfilling life.

It can actually add years to your life.

So simple...yet so difficult in a world of technology and social isolation.

And it takes effort. Your tribe is not out there looking for you.

If you’re...

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Grandparents Who Babysit Live Longer

Yes, that's me, babysitting my 8-month old granddaughter.

She's adorable and I love her dearly, but there's a BIG side benefit to caring for her...

I will live longer.

Scientists have confirmed that grandparents who babysit live longer than those who don't.

I'll have a whopping 37% lower mortality risk than friends of the same age who have no "caring responsibilities."

They speculate that the time spent with the kiddos creates a sense of purpose and that those little bundles of life,...

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