Brain Health News To Use

Green Tea May Lower Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Risk

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have long been known to have powerful effects on the body.

Green tea can improve brain function, increase fat loss, lower the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease,  inhibit bacteria and viruses, improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels and many other impressive benefits.

And, it may also protect your aging brain.

Multiple studies show that green tea polyphenols can have protective effects on neurons...

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Acid-Blockers Again Linked to Dementia & Depression

Time again to re-consider your medicine cabinet.

Some widely-advertised over-the-counter acid blockers are again being linked with dementia and depression.

One common drug group used to treat indigestion and GERD are 'proton-pump inhibitors' (also called PPIs) and includes the brandnames Nexium, Prilosec, Prontonix, Prevacid and Aciphex. (Generic names include omeprazole, esomeprazole, lansoprazole, dexlansoprazole, rabeprazole, pantoprazole, dexrabeprazole...

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Is Your Tap Water Aging You?

Drinking water is a key component of living an anti-aging lifestyle.

A healthy body and brain need water to function. Water plays a vital role in the way cells work and in removing dangerous toxins.

If you become dehydrated, normal body processes and brain cells just can't function. In the case of long-term dehydration, you can even age your body and your brain.

Are you drinking enough water?

The traditional rule of thumb is that you should...

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Mushrooms May Improve Your Memory

Mushrooms may indeed be magical.

A new study, published in the 'Journal of Alzheimer's Disease,' suggests that adding grocery store mushrooms to your daily diet may protect your memory.

In a 6-year study with 600 adults over the age of 60, researchers found that two portions of mushrooms a day (two ¾ cup servings) lowered the risk of mild cognitive impairment by 50%.

According to the study, even one portion may have a positive effect on cognitive decline.

Since about half of all mild...

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Tilt the Alzheimer's Odds In Your Favor

If you’re over 40, you may already be on the road to Alzheimer’s Disease. Scientists say that damage to the brain starts 20 years or more before first symptoms appear. During this preclinical stage of Alzheimer’s, you may be symptom-free, but toxic changes are already taking place in your brain.

Not me, you say? Well, today’s statistics say 1-in-3 seniors will get Alzheimer’s and these odds are quickly declining to 1-in-2 seniors. That means that by the time we...

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Popular Pills Linked to Dementia

Purging the medicine chest may just stop 'over-the-counter brain damage' and reduce dementia risk.

Multiple studies have shown that some very common, over-the-counter medications affect the brain, causing long term cognitive impairment and memory loss.

These drugs, called anticholinergics ('AC drugs' for short), block acetylcholine, a nervous system neurotransmitter that sends signals to other cells -- affecting muscle contraction, learning and memory.

Common over-the-counter AC drugs are...

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Favorite Sleep Apps for Brain Health

Poor sleep contributes to dementia and Alzheimer's.

Scientists at UC Berkeley have found compelling evidence that poor sleep is a channel through which the beta-amyloid protein believed to trigger Alzheimer's disease attacks the long term memory.

A deep restorative sleep will aide in washing away those toxic proteins at night, preventing them from damaging the brain.

Without adequate sleep, it's a vicious cycle. A lack of slumber allows the build-up of the damaging beta-amyloid protein in the...

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Throw Out Those Dryer Sheets

Yep, throw these out. You'll not only save money, you'll reduce your risk of dementia.

Brain health experts agree that environmental toxins can pass through the blood-brain barrier -- causing the inflammation and brain plaque build-up that destroys brain function.

Lurking in your home is one of the most innocent looking, yet worst, toxic offenders -- dryer sheets.

They coat your clothes with a thin film of toxic chemicals designed to prevent static cling and add long-lasting fragrance.


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Dark Chocolate Can Improve Memory

Go ahead. Indulge!

Don't hide those candy wrappers anymore. Chocolate is now a superfood.

Two new studies at Loma Linda University looked at the impact of dark chocolate (70% cacao), in daily doses as small as a regular-sized chocolate bar, on neurological functions.

The flavonoids in cacao are extremely strong antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. The higher the concentration of cacao, the more positive the impact on cognition and memory.

Officially, the research showed that dark...

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Daily Coffee Drinking Protects Your Brain

My family knows. You do not speak to me in the morning until after cup #3.

”My name is Allison and I'm a coffee-addict.” If you insist that I give up my cup of joe for supposed health reasons, I will break into a cold sweat.

And now, I don't have to...

Recent studies have found that drinking 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day in mid-life can be associated with up to a 65% reduction in risk for dementia and Alzheimer's Disease later in life.


Coffee activates our Nrf2 pathways,...

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